CBD oil is extracted from the flowers of the hemp plant, which is most often used to produce medical products like medication. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a unique phytocannabinoid found only in hemp plants. It accounts for more than 40% of the plant material and is one of the most potent plant compounds found. CBD oil for medical uses is currently being tested for a wide range of ailments such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. The most promising results are from testing it against depression and anxiety. There has not been much research done with regard to CBD as a treatment for seizures, but it does have potential for use as an anti-seizure agent, a treatment for nausea, a treatment for sleep apnea, and a treatment for epilepsy. A recent study by researchers at the University of California-San Francisco published in The Journal of Medicinal Research found that the extract has neuroprotective effects, which may be responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects in the blood. As stated above, CBD is a strong, natural, antioxidant. This antioxidant protects against oxidative stress, which can be a cause of diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's disease. When CBD was compared with another compound known as AMBA (monomeric delta-aminolevulinate), it showed a significant improvement in neuroinflammation, particularly in the cerebrospinal fluid (which connects neurons) where the two compounds were tested together. While CBD appears to have some promise in treating epilepsy, it is still not clear whether it can be used for long term treatment. The fact that it is natural and safe makes it ideal for medical uses. Since it is so similar to other compounds in the body, the lack of harmful side effects makes it an attractive choice for the medical community. The research about CBD and epilepsy is ongoing, but it is hopeful that it will become an effective treatment. For more information on CBD and epilepsy, visit the University of Nebraska's site below. In addition to its potential use as an anti-seizure agent, CBD can be a useful tool in the fight against depression and anxiety, as well. With further studies, CBD may prove to be a powerful anti-depressant. The research into CBD for medical uses has only been around for a short time. It is unknown exactly what role CBD has in treating epilepsy. Because of this, there is still a lot of research to be done before we know whether it works or not, but CBD is certainly one of the promising candidates. Although there have been no clinical trials of CBD, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that it has some benefit. For instance, people with epilepsy who took CBD in a controlled setting reported fewer seizures and fewer incidents of rebound seizures than those who did not take it. Also, patients who had mild to moderate anxiety also had lower levels of anxiety than those who did not take CBD. and those who had a history of depression and who were prescribed conventional medicine for their depression were not at increased risk for seizures. The benefits of CBD may help make CBD an excellent treatment option for epilepsy, especially if you suffer from seizures. With further studies, we should be able to identify whether CBD provides a real benefit in treating seizures and epilepsy and determine whether or not the CBD is a viable treatment option for all patients.